Magnetic Water Softener

Magnetic Water Softener
  • magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment
  • magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment
  • magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment
  • magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment
  • magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment
  • magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment
Item No.: AP Y2 Y3 Y4 WP

Magnetic Water Softener

Designed to magnetize the water as it is passing through a pipe. It transfers the elemental force of magnetism to water. Thereby softening and purifying the water

magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment

Dailymag Magiko Magnetic Water Softener Magnetic Water Conditioner is assembled strong NdFeB magnet parts. It forces +/- hydronium temporarily into cathode to exchange water molecule and mineral hydronium, makes Ca2+/Mg2+ to unite electron, losing cation function temporarily. therefore, even heating, it doesn't unite hydronium---for example So42-, the part makes water not to scale any more. Magnetic filter part makes water soft, and scale will be never produced in water pipe.

The strong lines of magnetic force penetrate the tube wall and generate electric current while cutting fluids within the tube(Faraday Principle). Through this way, the negatively charged tube and devices repel the also negatively charged ions, such as CO32-, O2-, fungus, stopping them from touching the tube wall. Meanwhile, it ionizes water(H2O→H++OH-), and attracted by the negatively charged tube wall, the H+of the ionized water resolves and softens the dirt until removes it from the surface.  Ionized water may reduce the water surface tension and facilitate the sedimentation of impurities.

After passing through the strong magnetic field of rare earth, molecules of regular water is polarized and charged, thus transforming the structure of calcium ion and magnesian ion(shaping into inert crystal) to prevent it from encrustment. Simultaneously, water alters in the following dimensions: 
1. The water surface tension descends.
2. The salt solubility increases much.
3.  Molecules of water transform from large to small micellae to improve its activity.
4. The penetrability of water strengthens.
5. It will enhance the oxygen content of water.  

In this way, the water will be characterized with features of soft and magnetizing water.

Model Magnetic Strength Quantity per set Packing Net Weight
Y4-M 12800gauss 1 pair Steel box 0.68kg
Y3/4-M 19800gauss 1 pair Steel box 2.20kg
Y2-M 12800gauss 1 pair Steel box 1.00kg
SP-2 5200gauss 2 pairs Blister 0.10kg
UP-2 6200gauss 2 pairs Blister 0.11kg
JP-1 2800gauss 1 pair White box 0.35kg
KP-1 10800gauss 1 pair Colour box 0.50kg
WP-1 7500gauss 1 pair Colour box 0.13kg
MS-1 1800gauss(directly touch watwer) 1 pc Blister 0.12kg
Apollo-M 7500gauss 1 pair Steel box 0.15kg


magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment
magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment
magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment
magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment
magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment
magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment
magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment


Magiko Magnetic Water Softener Magnetic Water Conditioner lab testing report

magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment
magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment


Science Research Paper on Dailymag Magenetic Water Sotener

magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment

Dailymag Magiko Magnetic Water Softener is designed to magnetize the water as it is passing through a pipe. It transfers the elemental force of magnetism to water. With an ingenious system of up to 28 cascaded magnetic fields, with alternating strength between 4.500 and 8.000 Gauss / 450 to 800 mT (milli Tesla),energy is imparted in the water. Its special design gives the device almost four times the efficiency of similar constructions, and, because of the inbuilt know how, makes it impossible to copy!

Dailymag Magiko Magnetic Water Softener is a 100% environmental friendly, cost and energy effective way to treat water at the state of the art.

Amazing effects:
* Plants grow faster, stronger and healthier
* Less water usage
* Fertilizer usage is reduced
* Ph-level of the soil is much lower
* The salt content in soil is reduced

Dailymag Magiko provides magnetic technologies that alter the structure of water clusters. Without magnetization toxins and waste products build up causing molecule clusters to be much larger in size, increasing surface tension, increasing viscosity and limiting dissolvability and permeability of water. This results in poor water productivity as only a small percentage of water and nutrients applied are dissolved and made available for plants to take up at fine root zones.
Magnetic treatment breaks up the molecules to smaller clusters allowing them to pass through plant capillaries more readily.

Our magnetization reduces surface tension, reduces viscosity, increases dissolvability, increases permeability and increases oxygen content hence making nutrients more readily available to plants and soils. Water is then said to be biologically “alive”.

Magnetic water treatment can be explained by a phenomenon called "Magnetic-Hydromagnetic resonance" under the action of Lorentz's force. The key parameters that influence the magnetic treatment are the velocity of water flow in the pipe and the intensity of magnetic induction.

Magnetic treatment to your water supply can:
* Reduce water usage by minimum 10% and up to 30%
* Reduce fertilizer usage
* Reduce pesticide and herbicide usage
* Increase yields by at least 10%
* Improve taste of produce
* Increase shelf life of produce
* Improve soil pH and remove/dissolve impurities from soils year after year
* Increase nutrient content in produce
* Increase seed germination percentage and speed of seedling emergence
* Increase fine root growth
* Drastically reduce heat stress
* Increase water flow
* Saving energy and resource
* Prevent and remove scaling from irrigation pipes
* Soil desalinization takes effect in the first year 1/1.5 meters
* Increase productivity and reduce disease in live stock and general animal breeding
* Increase weight and reduce disease in aquaculture industry
The use of Dailymag Magiko magnetic water devices to treat irrigation water will improve water
productivity and thus lead to significant water savings.

Dailymag Magiko magnetic technology can be put in practice by farmers to improve water productivity,save water, minimize the occurrence metals and sustain the health of the environment. The technology has proven to make use of lower quality waters (effluent and saline water) more sustainable and overall will augment water supplies for agricultural purposes. In general, the use of Magiko & Powermag technology will help improve long-term viability of the agricultural industry and sustainable economic development in both urban and rural areas.

Magnetically treated water can:
* Improve water productivity
* Increase yield produced per gallon of water used
* Improve quality of produce
* Increase shelf life
* Enrich taste
* Minimize the salinity effect and cleanse soil
* Reduce chemical usage
* Sustain the health of the environment

Why you need Dailymag Magiko Magnetic Water Softener?

The so-called hard water is water that contains a large amount of calcium salt and magnesium salt ions. When this kind of water is used at home, it cannot make soap foam, and it also deposits a layer of scale on the laundry; when the water is boiled, a layer of hard white scale will gradually form on the bottom of the kettle and the bottom of the thermos. If this kind of hard water is used in a boiler or steam locomotive, it will form a layer of calcium sulfate or silica "hard scale" or a layer of calcium carbonate soft scale on the bottom of the boiler and the pipe wall, which will cause the pipe wall to be overheated and deformed. , Resulting in the danger of explosion of boilers and pipelines. This is very annoying and very scary.
Of course, the iron and manganese ions in the water are also one of the reasons that make the water hard. The water containing this ion will cause the scale precipitated by the soap to produce rust spots on the fabric. If it is bleached, the stains will become worse. When this kind of water is used to make tea, a layer of "water skin" will appear on the surface of the tea, and the fragrance of the tea will also disappear. The hardness of the magnesium in the water makes the water corrosive and obviously acidic, and it also has a metallic taste that irritates the eyes. Magnesium salt is a laxative. However, magnesium ions are only annoying, and will not threaten people's health.
Although a certain hardness of water can reduce the toxicity of metals and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, the water that residents drink needs to be softened to avoid the adverse consequences of hard water.
The easiest way to change from hard water to soft water is to add sufficient slaked lime (that is, calcium hydroxide) in the water container, the magnesium salt in the water will precipitate out in the form of magnesium hydroxide, and then add sufficient soda ( Impure sodium carbonate), so that all calcium is precipitated in the form of calcium carbonate (including added slaked lime). After two treatments, the mixed sediment will slowly settle to the bottom of the container (the bottom of the container is preferably in a cone shape to remove the sediment). In this way, the upper part of the container is clean drinking water.
In fact, treating water with lime and soda does not purify the water, but replaces the calcium ions and magnesium ions in the water with sodium ions. Therefore, the treated water still needs to be softened. Dailymag Magiko Magnetic Water Softener can soften the passed water instantly and efficiently without consuming electricity and other resources. It is truly energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and can be used permanently.

In Europe, especially in the Nordic region, hard water quality is a very common phenomenon. Some people living in Northern Europe are prone to hair loss after drinking warm water. Our technicians suggest not to drink the overheated tap water directly, nor to use it directly for cooking, it is recommended to use cold water, and store it for 4-6 hours after receiving the water before using it. Of course, it is best to assemble a Dailymag Magnetic water softener that suits you (we have different models for different water consume capacity).

More information of Dailymag Magiko Magnetic Water Softener 

What is Dailymag Magnetic water softener
Dailymag magnetic water softener is a non-chemical-based magnetic device designed to generate strong magnetic field. It helps reduce the hardness within the water that is passing through it. The water containing a relatively high concentration of substance and minerals, i.e., carbonates & sulfates of calcium and magnesium, is called hard water. It happens due to the percolation of water from gypsum and limestone deposits. Hard water can pose a severe problem in water pipelines, industrial water holding settings such as containers, cooling towers, and boilers. Its common disadvantages include scale formation in the taps, showers, and kettles, etc. It also reduced the leather formation of detergents or soaps.  Water softening is carried out by various methods to cope with these limitations of hard water. We manufacture magnetic softeners which have high efficiency to modify the structure of calcium deposits. It ultimately reduces their adherence with the internal linings of pipers and other water retaining containers. Our magnetic softeners are eco-friendly, easy to handle, and very cost-effective. 
Basic principle of magnetic water softener:
The strong magnetic flux generated by heavy permanent neodymium magnets changes the shape and structure of solute lime, resulting in the round and spherical crystal precipitates formation. These round crystals are forced along with water flow and do not stick to the water supply pipes. Therefore, the magnetic field here play a major role in modifying the mineral components structure of the hard water instead of removing them entirely from the water. It can be explained further at the molecular level as presence of magnetic field lessens cations' surface to charge ratio. It causes them to coagulate or precipitate in a crystalline form. The crystalline form shows an enhanced flow rate.
General Characteristics:
•   High-quality neodymium magnets of the best grades are used.
•   Softening is carried out under the impact of a strong magnetic field.
•   Salt is not required.
•   Installation is easy for these magnets
•   It helps in the reduction of lime scale and soap scums hence increasing the quality of water.
Problems related to hard water:
Hard water contains excessive metal ions. These ions reduce the efficiency within the water and cause specific problems:
•    It causes the formation of lime scales in the pipelines.
•    Prolonged lime scale leads to galvanic corrosion.
•    In case of severe pipe damage, sewage and effluent leakage may occur. 
•    Hard water takes more detergent to form a small amount of leather.
•    While washing, more time is wasted because of hard water.
•    Soap or detergents are less soluble in hard water.

Hard-water related health complications:
No evidence have been found related to any severe health issues due to hard-water ingestion. In fact, some studies reveal that hard water can act as dietary supplement. Some studies claim the incidence of eczema due to the hard-water usage. 
Soft water: 
While washing dishes or taking a shower with soap and soft water, one feels a slippery feeling attributed to the minor attraction between soap and ions present in water. Our skin has a weak charge on it which attracts the soap molecules and keeps it attached until a more liable solvent is passed over the body. Soft water washes the soap more likely as opposed to hard water that forms soap scums. The soap scum is the insoluble fraction of soap salts formed by reacting to hard water metals ions.
Water softening: 
Removing magnesium, calcium, and other metal ions bearing positive charges is known as the water softening. Hard water is usually transformed into soft water because of the benefits it has. Soft water reduces the requirement of excess soap and enhances the half-life of water transporting pipes, tapes, containers, etc. Some conventional water softening methods are electrolytic softening, lime softening, reverse osmosis, and nano-filtration technology.
Traditional water softening methods:
There are several chemical-based conventional ways of water softening. These methods are also efficient. They are used for industrial and commercial purposes. Following are some conventional water softening ways:
•    Electrolytic water softening is identified as the ion exchange method because it deals with replacing hard water metallic cations with sodium ions. 
•    In the lime softening method, simply lime is mixed with hard water.
•    Hard water can be treated with chelators to get rid of cations in it. Chelators also perform their function by precipitating unwanted cations. Usually, citric acid, shampoos, and EDTA is used as a potent chelating agent. 
•    Sometimes washing soda is also used to reduce water hardening. The washing soda carries out a chemical reaction with the metallic cations and results in metal carbonate formation, i.e., calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate.
•    Water distillation can also perform the same action, but it can be relatively costly.
•    Water can also be separated from hardening ions by using a semi-permeable membrane over a pressure gradient. this process does not allow the metal ions to pass from the membrane while water molecules pass and collected separately 
All these methods have long been used to soften water at both the commercial and industrial levels, but recently, the non-chemical electric or magnetic methods are mostly in use because of their high efficiency and easy handling.

How does Dailymag magnetic water softener work:
The working mechanism of a magnetic softener is very vividly explained on various websites. However, the magnetic softener works on a straightforward mechanism. The incoming pipe directs the hard water to a chamber surrounded by strong neodymium magnets. Here hard water is exposed to a uniform and high magnetic field. The processed water is then directed toward the other pipe that takes the water to its usage site. According to some studies, magnetic water softeners modify the structural characteristics of calcium deposits, reducing their adsorption tendency to the linings of water pipes. It does not remove the minerals from water. 
Factors affecting water softening:
The working efficiency of a magnetic water softener depends upon various factors:
•    Grade of neodymium magnet used.
•    The time of water exposure to magnetic field.
•    The orientation and charge rate
•    The direction of magnetic field.
•    The material of pipe through which water flows.

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